Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Lawyers
Lawyer Lawyers are advocates and advisors in our society. They represent one of the parties in court such as the accuser or the defendant; presenting evidence and arguing in court for its client. Lawyers counsel and advice their clients regarding their legal rights. A lawyer’s job depends in their field of study whether its bankruptcy, probate, international or elder law. All lawyers study law and judicial decisions and apply the law. Most lawyers work in the fields of intellectual property where they help the clients protect its claims. Most lawyers are employed by private practice; there they concentrate in criminal or civic law. Lawyers in criminal law represent those who have been charged for a crime and argue their case in courts of law. Civic law lawyers assist clients with wills, trusts, contracts and leases along with other things. Although most of the lawyers are employed by the government there are also lawyers employed for legal-aid that serve for disadvantage people. Most of the work done by a lawyer is done in offices, law libraries and courtrooms. Lawyers are also sometimes employed full time by a single client. â€Å"They also sometimes met the client’s at their home, places of work and sometimes even in prison and hospitals or the place of need of the client. Most lawyers work long hours such as 50 hours or more per week, but most construct a work schedules. Most of the irregular work is conducted while researching, conferring with clients or preparing brief on office hours.†(www.bls.gov/oco/home.htm). Some lawyers may travel to attend meetings or gather information, and appear in courts or at legislative bodies. The training for a lawyer differs, but the person must be licensed, or admitted to its bar. To qualify for the bar exam the person must earn a college degree and must have graduated from law school. â€Å"The formal education for lawyers includes a 4 year college degree, 3 years in l... Free Essays on Lawyers Free Essays on Lawyers Lawyer Lawyers are advocates and advisors in our society. They represent one of the parties in court such as the accuser or the defendant; presenting evidence and arguing in court for its client. Lawyers counsel and advice their clients regarding their legal rights. A lawyer’s job depends in their field of study whether its bankruptcy, probate, international or elder law. All lawyers study law and judicial decisions and apply the law. Most lawyers work in the fields of intellectual property where they help the clients protect its claims. Most lawyers are employed by private practice; there they concentrate in criminal or civic law. Lawyers in criminal law represent those who have been charged for a crime and argue their case in courts of law. Civic law lawyers assist clients with wills, trusts, contracts and leases along with other things. Although most of the lawyers are employed by the government there are also lawyers employed for legal-aid that serve for disadvantage people. Most of the work done by a lawyer is done in offices, law libraries and courtrooms. Lawyers are also sometimes employed full time by a single client. â€Å"They also sometimes met the client’s at their home, places of work and sometimes even in prison and hospitals or the place of need of the client. Most lawyers work long hours such as 50 hours or more per week, but most construct a work schedules. Most of the irregular work is conducted while researching, conferring with clients or preparing brief on office hours.†(www.bls.gov/oco/home.htm). Some lawyers may travel to attend meetings or gather information, and appear in courts or at legislative bodies. The training for a lawyer differs, but the person must be licensed, or admitted to its bar. To qualify for the bar exam the person must earn a college degree and must have graduated from law school. â€Å"The formal education for lawyers includes a 4 year college degree, 3 years in l...
Friday, November 22, 2019
For Our ESL Readers
For Our ESL Readers For Our ESL Readers For Our ESL Readers By Maeve Maddox Sometimes readers write asking for basic English instruction that lies outside the scope of this site. This post is for them and for our readers who teach ESL. Many good ESL sites exist online. The English Club seems to be one of the best. The English Club is a site based in Cambridge, England. It was created in 1997 by British-born Josef Essberger. Access to all parts of the site is free. Content is targeted to ESL teachers as well as to students. The site offers a huge amount of content that includes: lessons games videos lesson plans forums lists of idioms, sayings, slang, etc. The English Club has four companion sites: Easy English offers quizzes of varying degrees of difficulty TEFL.net offers help exclusively for teachers eslAdmin.com information for school administrators ESL resources available for purchase Some other ESL sites of interest English pronunciation Learn English Through Pictures English Vocabulary Games with Pictures Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of Infinitives8 Proofreading Tips And Techniques10 Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Beverly Daniel Tatums Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in Essay
Beverly Daniel Tatums Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria - Essay Example The paper under consideration presents the analysis of Beverly Daniel Tatum’s â€Å"Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria†. The core of the paper is to determine the nature of racism and show Tatum’s main point view on racial segregation and African-American isolation. Through the article, she attempts to highlight how racism has developed in the African American population through constant analysis and comparison to other ethnic groups and why this phenomenon occurs. The rhetorical strategies used are not expressed effectively, as the majority of the assessments of modern black racism are speculatory and often based on personal judgment without adequate justification for opinion. Introduction Beverly Daniel Tatum’s â€Å"Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria†is an exploration of racism as it pertains to black youths and the role of racism as compared to the White dominant social norm. Tatum attempts to illustrate the phenomenon of why racially-similar groups, especially African Americans, tend to remain segregated in same-race groups without inter-mingling in the social environment. Through the article, she attempts to highlight how racism has developed in the African American population through constant analysis and comparison to other ethnic groups and why this phenomenon occurs. ... Tatum believes that her definition of racism is â€Å"a system involving cultural messages and institutional policies and practices as well as the beliefs and actions of individuals’’ (Tatum, 7). Here, Tatum attempts to create an appeal to pathos by further highlighting her own credibility related to her own sociology knowledge, but it too is ineffective since the author does not explore the issue further using concrete information from reputable sociological or political science data sources. The author is, instead, creating a sense of bias in the process, somewhat over-analyzing the actual realities of lifestyle with each ethnic group. Rather, Tatum manages, it seems, to simply assume certain sociological characteristics about White groups or African-American groups and therefore does not manage to instill a sense of integrity or knowledge-based authority when making her argument about the phenomenon of group-oriented ethnic segregation and prejudice. Tatum’s ethos arguments, in an attempt to appeal to the readers’ emotions, also does not do a significant job of instilling sympathy for the plight of African-Americans in today’s society. Tatum suggests that this segregation occurring is a product of White privilege and therefore receive preferential treatment in all elements of society. A reputable educator from the Philadelphia school district believes this also, offering that this is a hypocritical form of reasoning (Paslay, 3). Tatum’s attempt to instill compassion and condolence for the state of African-American isolation from the rest of society simply does not achieve its intended ethos results as it, again, illustrates that
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Transfusion reaction in a case with the rare Bombay blood group Study
Transfusion reaction in a with the rare Bombay blood group - Case Study Example An occurrence of antigen H, synthesized by H gene, determines the expression of the A and B antigens. The antigen is a substrate for enzymes A and B transferases encoded by ABO blood group genes present on chromosome 19 of the human genome. Due to the absence of transferases in O group, H substance persists on the RBCs leading to the inability of Bombay phenotype patients to synthesize the two antigens. In addition, ABH antigens do not exist in their red blood cells. When transfuse with incompatible blood groups, a hemolytic reaction occurs in Bombay phenotypic recipients. Misdiagnosis in through blood group determination is prevalent in patients with the Bombay phenotype. Bombay phenotype individuals exhibit a high presence of anti-H in their plasma (Shahshahani et al., 2013). The strong presence of antigen H explains the occurrence of hemolytic reaction when transfused with any other blood type apart from Bombay phenotype blood group. Hemolysis is a prerequisite for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) responsible for the symptoms witnessed in the patient. Decreasing cases of misdiagnosis in blood group determination entails incorporating reverse blood grouping together with O control cells to enhance identification of Bombay phenotype donors. Shahshahani, H. J., Vahidfar, M. R., & Khodaie, S. A. (2013). Transfusion reaction in a case with the rare Bombay blood group. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 7(1),
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Miss Havisham Essay Example for Free
Miss Havisham Essay Miss Havisham is first introduced to the reader when Mr Pumblechook (Pips Uncle) announces that Miss Havisham Requests Pips presence to play at her house. Miss Havisham fits into the main plot because she trains Estella to â€Å" break their hearts.†When Pip sees Estella for the fist time, he instantly falls in love with her. Miss Havisham sees this and she encourages Pip to do so. Miss Havisham was also, in Pips eyes, the cause of his ‘Great expectations’ Miss Havisham may also have been placed in the novel by Dickens, To explore how the effects of bad experiences on people. In this case it would be Miss Havisham being jilted on her wedding day In the first description of Satis house you get the image of a dilapidated house that has been abandoned even though there is someone there still living there. When pip goes to miss Havishams house she asks him to touch her heart. This according to her is ‘Broken.’ When Miss Havisham says ‘I sometimes have sick fancies’ this shows that Miss Havisham is mentally disturbed in the head. Satis house is an old decaying house, which was turned this way by Miss Havishams neglect. When Pip returns to miss Havishams she takes him into her wedding breakfast room. There is a rotting cake in the middle of the table. This sums up Miss Havishams life perfectly. Forgotten and Mouldy. Another thing that is made out to be strange is that all the clocks have been stopped at twenty to nine. This makes it sound like her life has been frozen in time, as she also wore one shoe, half her veil was arranged and she still wore a decaying wedding dress. This makes the readers believe that she has frozen time at that exact point. Miss Havisham plays an important part in the Novel as she leads pip into believing that she was his benefactor because he believed that she was rearing him for Estella when in fact it was the convict (Magwitch). Miss Havishams character at the beginning of the novel is made out to be cruel and heartless, however later on in the novel she turns over a new leaf and begs for Pip’s forgiveness just before she is burnt to death. Charles Dickens explores the theme of sin and forgiveness in the novel. Throughout the novel some of the people who have sinned tried to redeem themselves the other people who have sinned haven’t. In addition, Dickens explores the theme of what is a gentle man. Compyson Who jilted Miss Havisham and manipulated Magwitch into doing his dirty work was considered a gentle man whereas Joe Gargery took in pip even though he was not related to him in any way took Pip in and gave him an apprenticeship at the forge was not considered a gentle man because he had to work for a living. Dickens explores many themes in the Novel. The main one being the effects on people after a bad experience. In this case this is through Miss Havisham. Miss Havisham dearly loved Compeyson and she cast away most of her family who forewarned her that he was trouble, But she ignored them all and when she got jilted by him on her wedding day she realised that her family were right. After this Miss Havisham adopted Estella so she could raise her up to be invulnerable to the effects of society were in actual fact she was more vulnerable when she grew up. Miss Havisham also raised her up to ‘break the hearts’ of men. This in a way is revenge for what Compeyson put Miss Havisham Through. Another theme in the novel is sin and forgiveness. In Victorian society many people went to church so many people believed in Heaven and Hell. Throughout the novel many people sin. Magwitch, Compeyson, Miss Havisham Orlick and many more. Some of these people try to redeem themselves like Magwitch who became a secret benefactor to Pip. ‘I sleep rough so you can sleep smooth’ also Miss Havisham realises that that she has destroyed two people’s lives. She tries to redeem herself by grovelling to Pip. ‘Oh what have I done’ she also explains what she did to Estella ‘I stole her heart and put ice in its place.’ This shows that Miss Havisham realised how she has raised her to be cruel, emotionless, and how she destroyed Estella’s life. Other people, who sinned, like Compeyson, were killed in a most horrific way. Drowning in a river while having a fight with Magwitch killed Compeyson. Over all Miss Havisham started in the novel to be a cruel, perverted character however towards the end of the novel she redeems herself by begging for Pips forgiveness.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Mexico And Borders :: essays research papers
International borders have always been centers of conflict, and the U.S.-Mexican border is no exception. With the European colonizing the New World, it was a matter of time before the powers collided. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. When the two colonial powers did meet what is today the United States’ Southwest, it was not England and Spain. Rather the two powers were the United States and Mexico. Both Counties had broken off from their mother countries. The conflict that erupted between the two countries where a direct result of different nation policies. The United States had a policy of westward expansion, while Mexico had a policy of self protection. The Americans never had a written policy of expansion. What they had was the idea of "Manifest Destiny." Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region, that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the region. The driving force behind the settlement was silver in the region. The Spanish settled the region through three major corridors; central, western and eastern. The first settlements were mainly through the central corridor. The Spanish went thorough what is now the modern Mexican state of Chihuahua into the U.S. state of New Mexico. Eventually the Spanish established the city of Santa Fe in 1689. The eastern corridor was through modern day Texas and led to the establishment of San Antonio. The eastern expansion was caused by the French expansion into modern day Louisiana. The Spanish crown wanted a buffer between the French in Louisiana and central Mexico. The last corridor of expansion was in the west, through the sea, which led to the establishment of San Diego in 1769 and Los
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Good Earth’s Relationship Between Wang Lung and O-Lan
The relationship between O-lan and Wang Lung is stabilized by O-lan’s hard work and resourcefulness, based largely upon a woman’s inferiority, and threatened by superficial tendencies. Their affiliation also ends romantically with the loss of love and is regretted, in the end, with sufficient sympathy. O-lan proves to be beneficial through means of outdoor labor. In the afternoon she took a hoe and a basket and these upon her shoulder she went to the main road leading into the city where mules and donkeys and horses carried burdens to and fro, and there she picked the droppings from the animals and carried it home and piled the manure in the dooryard for fertilizer for the fields†(Buck 29). O-lan also proves her helpfulness by performing household chores, to much of Wang Lung’s appreciation. â€Å"And she took their ragged clothes and with thread herself spun on a bamboo spindle from a wad of cotton she mended and contrived to cover the rents in their win ter clothes†(Buck 29).Although this is true, Wang Lung’s gratitude towards O-lan appears repressed as he constantly hides his feelings for her in the beginning. The protagonist immediately becomes mortified by his affection for O-lan. â€Å"And then he was ashamed of his own curiosity and of his interest in her†(Buck 30). Wang Lung subsequently attempts to dissuade these thoughts. O-lan’s aid and usefulness obviously weakens the tension between both spouses and creates a more mutual, stable life at home. Arguments are rarely heard amongst the lips of either husband or wife.This may be due to O-lan’s unusual quietness. â€Å"But she never talked, this woman, except for the brief necessities of life†(Buck 30). This silence almost utterly terminates all heated conversations. However, it also enhances her appearance as a slave and overall working image. â€Å"But in the day her clothes, her plain blue cotton coat and trousers, covered all tha t he knew, and she was like a faithful, speechless serving maid, who is only a serving maid and nothing more†(Buck 30). Women, in ancient cultures are, as shown in The Good Earth, thought to be of lesser value than that of men. She was, after all, only a woman†(Buck 30). On numerous occasions, O-lan is treated as if she is a piece of property obtained by her new husband. â€Å"It seemed that during these next months he did nothing except watch this woman of his†(Buck 28). Wang Lung acts this way due to the environment in which he grew from, where both elders and men reign, leaving women at the bottom of the totem pole. Wang Lung’s uncle once questioned, â€Å"Have you not heard it said that in the Sacred Edicts it is commanded that a man is never to correct an elder,†(Buck 66).As the novel progresses, Wang Lung’s thoughts of his wife’s exterior begin to surface as superficial tendencies emerge. He complains of her horrid hair and ro ugh features. â€Å"He saw for the first time that her hair was rough and brown and unoiled and that her face was large and flat coarse-skinned, and her features too large altogether and without any sort of beauty or light†(Buck 179-180). These cruel comments are the first slap in the face of O-lan, as Wang Lung’s manly instincts begin to kick in and he discovers beauty abroad.Lotus enters the story when Wang Lung gives into the temptation of lust. He buys her, despite the fact that he is a married man. Threatening the relationship between O-lan and Wang Lung, Lotus slowly tears the couple apart even more than they were before. Earlier in the novel, during the raid of an aristocrat’s home, O-lan finds many valuable gems within the walls. Once money becomes a necessity, Wang Lung asks for the gems in order to grant them to the House of Hwang in return for additional land.O-lan is allowed to keep only two of her choosing and she quickly decides on two pearls: And he was moved by something he did not understand and he pulled the jewels from his bosom and unwrapped them and handed them to her in silence, and she searched among the glittering colors, her hard brown hand turning over the stones delicately and lingeringly until she found the two smooth white pearls, and these she took, and tying up the others again, she gave them back to him. (Buck 157-158) These white spheres represent more than just the upcoming twins. They also symbolize Wang Lung’s love for O-lan, no matter how limited it may be.Once Wang Lung becomes completely entangled inside Lotus’s web of desire, he demands that O-lan give him the pearls at once so he could, in turn, award them to his concubine. This simple act may be construed as Wang Lung’s thievery of his affection for O-lan and Lotus’s gain in the matter. As O-lan begins to die, she utters a phrase that entirely reveals all of her inner thoughts. â€Å"Well I know I am ugly and cannot be lovedâ€â€,†(Buck 277). These ideas show her lack in confidence that may have been even more destroyed with Wang Lung’s brutal behavior and harsh words.Wang Lung, however, felt guilt beyond measure and â€Å"wondered and grieved at himself most of all because what she said was true, and even when he took her hand, desiring truly that she feel his tenderness towards her, he was ashamed because he could feel no tenderness, no melting of the heart such as Lotus could win from him with a pout of her lips†(Buck 277). This not only serves as evidence of Wang Lung’s sympathy towards O-lan and his regret for everything that he induced. It also reiterates the fact that Wang Lung and O-lan’s relationship changed instantaneously as his feelings for Lotus blossomed.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Plant Location Puzzle Essay
d) What are the pros and cons of not manufacturing abroad and staying back local? EDC’s success is credited to their corporate flexibility and service. They have been able to adapt quickly to changing demand and optimize the time of product introductions. Located within a high demand market segment has also facilitated the winning criteria of service and flexibility. PROS * Having the plant in Boulder, a bicycling Mecca, has helped to keep EDC on top of trends and demand changes in the US market. * Keeping its plant on the same campus as its corporate office in Boulder,Colorado as along with keeping all the parts of the company in the same location would contribute greatly to inter-departmental cooperation and ultimately growth like has been seen from the past records * Complete control over the flexible manufacturing operation that would enable it to meet rapid changes in the local market * Their engineers seem to be ahead of the curve in designing new features that the consumers desire. This design knowledge is also the result of the cross functional cooperation which can be attributed to the geographical proximity of the entire staff. * Communication would be easy and changes in styles and production plans could be made easily.Ex. when orders for cross- bikes which had enjoyed a spurt of popularity began to fall off, Eldora had been able to adjust its production runs with minimal disruptions * If the design function remains in the United States. This will ensure technological advances. EDC should also exploit their joint venture in Italy to gain a larger market share in Europe. Targeting the Far East market requires the design of â€Å"simple†bicycles, which can be accomplished in the U. S. * Had built trust and reputation in the United States. Had a pool of employees at all levels with genuine love for bicycles and eagerly pursued knowledge about the industries latest trends and styles. There would never be a shortage of people who would willingly come forth to test prototypes Cons * Stagnant market of the U.S-The industry of Bicycles seemed to be reaching a saturation point in the United States * Cost of labor and distribution-Growing Asian markets enjoyed a significant labour and distribution cost advantage. The company produced 30% of the bicycles in the United States but the mass market was growing only at 2% * With the promotion of U. S. business in China, cultural barriers are reduced. The growing Chinese infrastructure will promote low cost automated manufacturing with low labor cost. * EDC’s primary markets represent less that a quarter of the world wide demand-The demand in the markets for the product categories produced by EDC are doubling annually in Asia and the growth rate seems sustainable * Far away from the Asian markets- They would not be able to sufficiently operate from a location so far away from the emerging markets and tap the potential of the growing economies. They would also not be able to cater to the needs and demands of those consumers sufficiently * Competitive disadvantage-With the two major competitors of EDC one from China and one from Taiwan, catering to the demand of the Asian markets currently they will be at a disadvantage if they stay back local
Thursday, November 7, 2019
My role Model essays
My role Model essays It always happens at the kindergarten. The teachers ask little students who their role model is. Most of them say police officer, fire fighter or their parents like heroic people. When I was in kindergarten, I never answered for that question. Truth, I had nothing on my mind to answer. Who is my role model? I questioned myself again, again and I had waited for my real role model. It was cold, December when I met her. My mom was told that I seemed to have special talent on singing so she brought me to someone who teaches singers professionally. I just turned 12, had no idea on singing. I just liked to sing. The woman who my mom brought me to looked very sharp. I could so tell that she was not and never could be easy person. She looked at me once and said  ¡Ã‚ °She is way too young to start singing. ¡ My mom ¡Ã‚ ¯s face turned surprised. And she also said  ¡Ã‚ °well, but let ¡Ã‚ ¯s see how you can sing, shall we? ¡ and grabbed my hand. She introduced herself as Mrs. Chun. We started worming up and I sang  ¡Caro mio ben ¡ After I sang the piece, there was exactly 5 minutes of silence. Mrs. Chun was gaping on me and my mom was trying to figure out what was going on.  ¡Ã‚ °It ¡Ã‚ ¯s incredible! ¡ finally Mrs. Chun closed her mouth and talked. She told my mom that she never except young singers but she ¡Ã‚ ¯ll on this time. I started havin g private lessons with her who I never thought could be my forever role model. Soon as I started studying with her, I got to know her better. She helped me to think seriously in musicianship and in one word; she was my musical guardian angel. As I got to know her better, I asked to myself hits question.  ¡Ã‚ °She is really role model type. Should I consider her as my role model? ¡ I wasn ¡Ã‚ ¯t sure about her. One day, the significant day that made me to confirm her as my role model came. It was her concert. Actually, It wasn ¡Ã‚ ¯t even concert. It was just little town perfor...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
1987 Nobel Prize in Physics
1987 Nobel Prize in Physics The 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics went to German physicist J. Georg Bednorz and Swiss physicist K. Alexander Muller for discovery that certain classes of ceramics could be designed that had effectively no electrical resistance, meaning that there were ceramic materials that could be used as superconductors. The key aspect of these ceramics is that they represented the first class of high-temperature superconductors and their discovery had groundbreaking effects on the types of materials that could be used within sophisticated electronic devices Or, in the words of the official Nobel Prize announcement, the two researchers received the award for their important breakthrough in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic materials. The Science These physicists were not the first to discover superconductivity, which had been identified in 1911 by Kamerlingh Onnes while researching mercury. Essentially, as mercury was reduced in temperature, there was a point at which it seemed to lose all electrical resistance, meaning that electrical current count flow through it unimpeded, creating a supercurrent. This is what it means to be a superconductor. However, the mercury only exhibited the superconducting properties at very low degrees near absolute zero, around 4 degrees Kelvin. Later research in the 1970s did identify materials that exhibited superconducting properties at around 13 degrees Kelvin. Bednorz and Muller were working together to research the conductive properties of ceramics at an IBM research laboratory near Zurich, Switzerland, in 1986, when they discovered the superconducting properties in these ceramics at temperatures of approximately 35 degrees Kelvin. The material used by Bednorz and Muller was a compound of lanthanum and copper oxide that was doped with barium. These high-temperature superconductors were confirmed very quickly by other researchers, and they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics the following year. All of the high-temperature superconductors are known as a Type II superconductor, and one of the effects of this is that when they have a strong magnetic field applied, they will exhibit only a partial Meissner effect that breaks down in a high magnetic field, because at a certain intensity of magnetic field the superconductivity of the material is destroyed by electrical vortices that form within the material. J. Georg Bednorz Johannes Georg Bednorz was born on May 16, 1950, in Neuenkirchen, in North-Rhine Westphalia in the Federal Republic of Germany (known to those of us in America as West Germany). His family had been displaced and split up during World War II, but they had reunited in 1949 and he was a late addition to the family. He attended the University of Munster in 1968, initially studying chemistry and then transitioning into the field of mineralogy, specifically crystallography, finding the mix of chemistry and physics more to his liking. He worked at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory during the summer of 1972, which is when he first began working with Dr. Muller, head of the physics department. He began work on his Ph.D. in 1977 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zurich, with supervisors Prof. Heini Granicher and Alex Muller. He officially joined the staff of IBM in 1982, a decade after he spent the summer working there as a student. He began working on the search for a high-temperature superconductor with Dr. Muller in 1983, and they successfully identified their goal in 1986. K. Alexander Muller Karl Alexander Muller was born April 20, 1927, in Basel, Switzerland. He spent World War II in Schiers, Switzerland, attending the Evangelical College, completing his baccalaureate degree in seven years, starting at age 11 when his mother died. He followed this up with military training in the Swiss army and then transitioned to Zurichs Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Among his professors was renowned physicist Wolfgang Pauli. He graduated in 1958, working then at the Battelle Memorial Institute in Geneva, then a Lecturer at the University of Zurich, and then finally landing a job at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory in 1963. He conducted a range of research there, including serving as a mentor to Dr. Bednorz and collaborating together on the research to discover high-temperature superconductors, which resulted in the awarding of this Nobel Prize in Physics.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Industrial level of BMW and Toyota Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Industrial level of BMW and Toyota - Essay Example This in turn makes the suppliers produce even better components and with greater efficiency. Toyota has something known as jidoka that requires even the machine to work autonomously whenever they detect a faulty part (Frick 2011). Disallowing such a part to do ensures the production of quality products. After the production completion, the vehicles are given to the distributors in case of marketing them locally. Otherwise, the shipping process occurs via the use of containers for international market. Marketing by Toyota is done through advertisements and promotions. In terms of after-sale services, the company managed to outperform its closest competitors through customer satisfaction. The company does a follow-up to ensure that the individual is satisfied for at least a given time after the purchase. For value addition, the BMW group works with over 12,000 suppliers in 70 countries that need to fulfill the standards set by the group in production of high-end components. Like Toyota, BMW works with the suppliers to leverage potential (Coe 2004). For the international market, the finished vehicles are shipped from the assembly lines with containers. Those that are sold in the local market of the assembly lines are transported to the respective showrooms using trucks. Marketing and sales by BMW include encouraging consumers to purchase the vehicles. The company employs advertising, promotion, pricing, marketing, sales, and so on. After-sale service is also offered by BMW. It involves user support, training, repair services, spare part management, installation, upgrades and so on. The company handles complaints well and this has been successful in attracting return customers. Frick, Jan. Advances in Production Management Systems Value Networks: Innovation, Technologies, and Management, IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference, APMS 2011, Stavanger, Norway, September 26-28, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Berlin: Springer,
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